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Agile Digital Transformation

Apply agile software development principles to digital transformation.  An agile iterative approach provides a faster start, shorter time to benefits, and increased flexibility in responding to change.  

Big plans take a lot of time.  Often circumstances change, invalidating the original plan.  Plan changes and implementation adjustments are very painful.   They have a ripple effect too:  resource allocation & budgeting for example.  

With an agile approach the detailed planning horizon is shorter making it easier and faster.  Improvements are implemented iteratively accelerating benefits and building forward momentum.  Implementing changes in smaller slices also reduces operational risk and change management.

Maintaining a backlog of improvements is critical.  This iterative performance assessment and improvement identification can be challenging.

DxPathfinder makes this activity faster and easier.  It delivers a digital assessment within a wide range of business functions fast and efficiently.  

🔹   Visualization of digital performance revealing where you need to improve 

🔹   Prioritized list of improvements that is immediately actionable

🔹   Measurement of consensus so you are sure everyone is on the same page

Applied iteratively your digital transformation becomes agile:  more flexible with more time dedicated to doing than planning.

Measure & Improve Your Digital Capabilities

Know what digital improvements are important for YOU?

Improvement Recommendations
Consensus Measurement
10 minute investment
No preparation needed