Lead Generation

Showcase your solutions to leaders who have a validated need.

DxPathfinder qualifies the need and promotes your solution.

Featured solution providers


So potential customers can contact you

Provide company information to be shown to  customers.


Identify improvements you address

Choose the functional domain you address.

Select the improvements your solution addresses.


Describe your offering

Provide a description of your services that will be shown to customers with a matching need. This can be done in one language that is shown to all prospects or in the language predominant in your target markets.


To customers who need what you provide

Your profile and solution will be presented to customers in your subscribed market when their digital diagnostic recommends the improvements you address.

Two Paths to Success

Passively receive leads

Rely on our business development and that of the community to organically gain exposure. We systematically target and invite potential clients based on country, role, and level.

Actively target prospects

If you have specific prospective clients, you can invite invite them participate in the diagnostic for free. This provides them value and raises their awareness of their need for your services.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the Ideal Customer service take to complete?

We have a standard 6 week program that is fine-tuned based on the results of your Quick Checkup and the initial consultation. The duration also depends on your focus level and ability to produce the required outputs. In general we highly recommend to keep the duration short so you start feeling the benefits sooner.

Should I worry about privacy?

No! Your data and intellectual property is yours - as is ours. At the start of the service a mutual NDA is signed.

How much time and effort is required?

As a general rule you should be prepared to spend 2-3 hours per day for the duration of the service.  Included in this time are daily reviews and homework exercises.  We understand this is a significant time commitment for a business leader.   However, how important is growing your business?

Do I need to have marketing skills?

The service is designed for business leaders with no / low marketing experience. The benefit of the service is not just finding your ideal customer, but teaching you how to search yourself.

What are the prerequisites to start / what do I need before starting ?

The service starts with a solid description and understanding of your product/service features and the related benefits. Don’t worry if this is not rock solid - we will review and improve if needed during the launch.

What happens at the end?   Will you just disappear?  How will I continue?

Our objective is to make you self-sufficient. However we understand your may need some support and offer on-going advisory and coaching services.

Join the adventure

Take the trial. Learn what the client receives.
Upgrade to define your solution.


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