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Build Your Digital Wings and Fly


Companies need more than just tools.  I am always surprised when business leaders have a problem and the first thing they think of is a new tool.  Many can’t or don’t use the tools & technology they already have but think another, newer tool will solve the problem.

I now realize digital technology is often confused with digital capabilities.  They are NOT the same.  It is like in sports.  Just having a football doesn’t mean you have a winning football team.  

Digital capabilities are the same.   You need technology.  But companies (employees) also need

- Skills and knowledge to use the digital tools and technologies effectively

- Willingness to experiment and embrace change

- Ability to capture and use data for decision-making

- Digital strategy to ensure digital capabilities are developed and focused on achieving business goals

Missing any of these ingredients can derail digital improvement efforts and lose momentum.

However, digital capabilities are like wings.  With them you can go faster, higher, see further, and react faster.  

Digital leaders can attract and serve more customers more efficiently.  

A company's digital capability can be assessed across different dimensions such as:

Companies with strong digital capability are better equipped to adapt to the rapidly changing digital landscape and take advantage of new opportunities. They are also able to mitigate the risks associated with digital transformation and ensure that their employees and customers can use digital technologies in a safe, ethical, and responsible manner.

Signs you are not doing it well

When a company is missing digital capabilities, it can face several challenges that can hinder its ability to compete effectively in the digital economy. Here are some of the key pains that can arise:

Inability to innovate: Digital technologies are changing the way businesses operate, and companies that lack digital capabilities find it difficult to develop new products or services, optimize their operations, or improve their customer experience.

Reduced efficiency and productivity: Digital tools and technologies can automate many manual processes, leading to improved efficiency and productivity. Without digital capabilities, companies may struggle to keep up with the pace of their competitors or to meet the expectations of their customers.

Poor data management: Digital technologies generate vast amounts of data, and companies that lack the capabilities to collect, store, analyze, and use this data effectively may miss out on valuable insights into their customers, markets, and operations.

Limited reach and impact: Digital technologies offer new channels for reaching customers and expanding a company's market reach. Companies that lack digital capabilities may struggle to reach new audiences or to connect with their existing customers in meaningful ways.

Difficulty attracting and retaining talent: In today's digital economy, employees are increasingly seeking out companies that offer opportunities to learn and work with cutting-edge digital technologies. Companies that lack digital capabilities may find it challenging to attract and retain top talent.

Overall, lacking digital capabilities can put a company at a significant disadvantage, both in terms of its ability to compete effectively and its ability to meet the expectations of its customers and employees.

What it looks like when you are

Companies with good digital capabilities can enjoy several benefits that can help them compete effectively and grow in the digital economy. Here are some of the key benefits:

Improved efficiency and productivity: Digital technologies can automate many manual processes, leading to improved efficiency and productivity. By leveraging digital capabilities, companies can streamline their operations, reduce costs, and improve their bottom line.

Enhanced customer experience: Digital technologies offer new ways to connect with customers and provide personalized experiences. Companies with good digital capabilities can leverage these technologies to engage with customers in meaningful ways, build brand loyalty, and increase customer satisfaction.

Better decision-making: Digital technologies generate vast amounts of data that can be used to inform decision-making. Companies with good digital capabilities can collect, store, analyze, and use this data effectively, gaining valuable insights into their markets, customers, and operations.

Greater agility and flexibility: Digital technologies can enable companies to respond quickly to changes in the market or customer demands. Companies with good digital capabilities can leverage these technologies to adapt to changing circumstances, experiment with new approaches, and stay ahead of the competition.

Increased innovation: Digital technologies offer new opportunities for innovation, allowing companies to develop new products or services, explore new business models, and create new value for customers. Companies with good digital capabilities can leverage these technologies to drive innovation and stay ahead of the curve.

Overall, companies with good digital capabilities are better positioned to succeed in the digital economy, compete effectively, and grow their business.

The road to improvement can be difficult

Building digital capabilities can be a complex process, and companies may face several challenges along the way. Here are some of the key challenges that companies may encounter when building digital capabilities:

Cost: Building digital capabilities can be expensive, requiring significant investments in technology, infrastructure, and training. Companies may need to allocate substantial resources to build the necessary capabilities.

Skills gap: Developing digital capabilities requires a workforce with the necessary skills and knowledge. Companies may struggle to attract and retain employees with the required digital skills, or they may need to invest in training and development programs to upskill their existing workforce.

Resistance to change: Digital transformation can require significant changes to a company's culture, processes, and operations. Some employees or stakeholders may be resistant to these changes, creating resistance and hindering progress.

Cybersecurity risks: Digital technologies can create new cybersecurity risks, and companies need to invest in security measures to protect their data, systems, and customers. Failure to do so can result in reputational damage, financial losses, and legal liability.

Integration issues: Digital technologies often need to be integrated with existing systems and processes, creating complex integration challenges. Failure to integrate digital technologies effectively can lead to inefficiencies and lost opportunities.

Technical complexity: Digital technologies can be complex, requiring specialized expertise to implement and manage. Companies may need to hire specialized technical experts or work with external partners to build and manage their digital capabilities effectively.

Overall, building digital capabilities requires significant investments of time, money, and resources, and companies may need to overcome several challenges along the way to succeed.

What you need to do:  the basics

Building digital capabilities requires a comprehensive and strategic approach that involves several key steps. Here are some of the key steps that companies can take to build their digital capabilities:

Develop a digital strategy: Companies need to develop a clear digital strategy that outlines their objectives, target markets, and desired outcomes. This strategy should align with the company's overall business goals and consider the potential impact of digital technologies on the company's operations.

Assess current capabilities: Companies need to assess their current digital capabilities, including their existing technology infrastructure, workforce skills, and operational processes. This assessment should identify areas of strength and weakness and highlight opportunities for improvement.

Invest in technology infrastructure: Companies need to invest in the necessary technology infrastructure to support their digital capabilities. This may include cloud-based solutions, analytics tools, and digital communication platforms.

Develop digital skills: Companies need to invest in training and development programs to upskill their existing workforce and attract new talent with the required digital skills. This may involve offering training programs, hiring specialized experts, or partnering with external organizations.

Create a digital culture: Companies need to foster a culture that supports digital transformation, encouraging employees to embrace new technologies and approaches. This may involve creating cross-functional teams that work collaboratively on digital projects and initiatives.

Leverage data: Companies need to leverage data to inform their decision-making and gain insights into their markets, customers, and operations. This may involve developing data analytics capabilities and investing in tools and technologies to collect, store, and analyze data.

Experiment and innovate: Companies need to experiment with new digital technologies and approaches, testing and iterating to find what works best for their business. This may involve creating innovation labs or partnering with startups and other external organizations to drive innovation.

Overall, building digital capabilities requires a comprehensive and strategic approach that involves investments in technology, infrastructure, skills, and culture. By following these key steps, companies can build their digital capabilities and position themselves for success in the digital economy.

Is this relevant for me?

Do you struggle to attract new customers at scale?

Are you able to retain customers / are they repeating customers?

If you doubled the number of customers, could you serve them?

There are many functional areas where digital capabilities can give you a competitive edge.  DxPathfinder has assessment modules covering different business functions and dimensions.  The first step to improvement is knowing where you are.

Measure & Improve Your Digital Capabilities

Know what digital improvements are important for YOU?

Improvement Recommendations
Consensus Measurement
10 minute investment
No preparation needed