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CIO / CDO - Why Assess Digital Capabilities?


A digital capability assessment is important because it gives an understanding of the organization's current digital capabilities, strengths and weaknesses. This allows you to better identify areas for improvement and develop plans to fill any gaps. It also helps to prioritize investments and allocate resources to ensure that the organization is taking advantage of the digital opportunities available to them.  

Do you share any of these pains?

The CxO role is challenging due to the need to balance technology and business goals, stay up-to-date with rapid technological change, manage stakeholder expectations, navigate complex organizational structures, implement effective cybersecurity measures, and manage talent and resources.

Without a clear understanding of the organization's digital capabilities, it can have several negative impacts:

Inadequate technology investment: Without a clear understanding of the organization's digital capabilities, the CxO may make inadequate technology investments that do not meet the needs of the business.

Missed business opportunities: The CxO may miss opportunities to leverage technology to drive business growth or improve operations.

Inefficient processes: The CxO may struggle to streamline processes and optimize the use of technology, leading to inefficiency and higher costs.

Difficulty in aligning technology with business goals: The CxO may struggle to align technology initiatives with the organization's overall business goals.

Inability to measure success: Without a clear understanding of the organization's digital capabilities, it can be difficult for the CxO to measure the success of technology initiatives and make data-driven decisions.

Having a clear understanding of the organization's digital capabilities is crucial for the CxO to make informed technology decisions that support the overall business strategy.

There are also personal risks:

Career advancement: The CxO may miss opportunities for professional growth and advancement within the organization if they are not able to effectively leverage technology to drive business outcomes.

Reputation: The CxO's reputation may be impacted if they are not seen as an effective leader in the technology space.

Job security: The CxO may be at risk of losing their job if they are unable to demonstrate the value of technology to the organization and contribute to its success.

Professional development: The CxO may struggle to keep up with the latest developments in technology, which could impact their professional development and ability to effectively lead the technology function.

Not having a clear understanding of the organization's digital capabilities creates risk for both company and CxO.

What’s the promise?

A clear picture of the organization's digital capabilities can bring several benefits:

Informed technology decisions: The CxO will be able to make informed technology decisions that align with the organization's overall business strategy and goals.

Improved business outcomes: The CxO will be better equipped to leverage technology to drive business growth, improve operations, and achieve better business outcomes.

Streamlined processes: The CxO will be able to streamline processes and optimize the use of technology, leading to increased efficiency and reduced costs.

Better alignment with business goals: The CxO will be able to align technology initiatives with the organization's overall business goals, ensuring that technology investments support the business strategy.

Measured success: The CxO will be able to measure the success of technology initiatives and make data-driven decisions, demonstrating the value of technology to the organization.

Making life easier

Having a clear understanding of the organization's digital capabilities can make a CxO's life easier on a personal level in several ways:

Increased confidence: The CxO will have greater confidence in their ability to lead the technology function and make informed technology decisions.

Improved decision-making: The CxO will be able to make data-driven decisions, reducing the risk of making incorrect or ineffective technology investments.

Better relationships with stakeholders: The CxO will be able to build better relationships with stakeholders, including business leaders, IT teams, and customers, by demonstrating the value of technology and its impact on the business.

Reduced stress: The CxO will be better equipped to manage the demands of the role and reduce stress levels, as they will have a clearer understanding of the organization's digital capabilities and technology landscape.

Improved job satisfaction: The CxO will experience greater job satisfaction by being able to make a meaningful impact on the business and contribute to its success.

Having a clear understanding of the organization's digital capabilities can make a CxO's life easier on a personal level by increasing confidence, improving decision-making, building better relationships with stakeholders, reducing stress, and improving job satisfaction.

What’s the challenge

It is challenging for a CxO to understand digital capability performance across all business functions because of the complexity of the digital landscape. Digital capabilities can vary greatly from one organization to the next and from one function to the next. 

Additionally, digital capabilities are difficult to measure and track as they often involve a combination of technology, processes, skills and resources. As such, it is difficult for a CxO to get an accurate picture of their organization’s digital performance across all business functions.

Time & resources & business input

Traditional exercises using consultants can easily take months  depending on the scope of the assessment.  It often involves hiring external consultants, and other resources, and dedicating staff time and expertise to the process.  And finally it is challenging to get internal input and involvement into the assessment. Business owners are busy with operational demands and generally don’t want to participate in another IT driven exercise.  And if the assessment requires group meetings and / or workshops, just finding an available date is a challenge.


DxPathfinder is a digital assessment platform that simplifies the process of analyzing and improving digital capabilities.

Select from a range of modules aligned to typical functions such as: Digital Strategy, Digital Execution, or Sales, Marketing, etc., then respond to questions developed by a community of digital experts designed to evaluate digital capabilities.   Because it is modular you can assess as little or as much as you like. 

With no preparation and a 15 minute investment, DxPathfinder delivers a visualization of current performance and a clear picture of where you need to improve, a prioritized list of improvements along with implementation tips. 

The assessment is self-administered from a desktop or mobile device and takes 10 minutes to complete.   No preparation, or scheduling of meetings and workshops is required.  It was designed for busy business leaders - exactly the people needed for an effective assessment.  

Building a common understanding of current performance and consensus on improvement priorities is critical to building transformation momentum.  With DxPathfinder multiple participants can perform the assessment and the algorithm delivers a measurement of consensus so you know where everyone is on the same page and where they aren’t.  It creates a shared understanding, consensus and trust.

Taken periodically, DxPathfinder reveals progress and delivers the next most important improvements.  This adds an element of adaptability and agility to your digital journey.

DxPathfinder gives direction, builds confidence and saves time and money.

Measure & Improve Your Digital Capabilities

Know what digital improvements are important for YOU?

Improvement Recommendations
Consensus Measurement
10 minute investment
No preparation needed