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Enhance strategic finance analytical capabilities


Top 5 DxPathfinder Finance Assessment recommendations.  Building strategic finance capabilities on top of highly automated transactional finance operations is a big concern based on analyzing the (anonymized) results of assessments conducted by finance professionals.

Strategic finance is focused on long-term planning and decision-making. It involves analyzing financial data to identify trends, risks, and opportunities that can help the organization achieve its strategic objectives.  This article describes symptoms you aren’t doing it well and steps on how to improve.

Signs you are not doing it well

Here are some signs that indicate you may need to enhance your strategic finance analytical capabilities:

Limited or no ability to forecast financial performance: If you are struggling to make accurate financial forecasts, it may be an indication that your analytical capabilities need improvement.

Difficulty in identifying and analyzing financial risks: If you struggle to identify and assess financial risks facing your organization, it may be an indication that you need to improve your analytical capabilities.

Limited ability to measure and analyze financial performance: If you struggle to measure and analyze financial performance, you may need to enhance your analytical capabilities to make better decisions.

Limited ability to model financial scenarios: If you are unable to model different financial scenarios to assess their impact on your organization, it may be an indication that you need to improve your analytical capabilities.

Inability to provide financial insights to support strategic decision-making: If you are not able to provide financial insights to support strategic decision-making, it may be an indication that you need to enhance your analytical capabilities to be more effective.

Difficulty in identifying cost-saving opportunities: If you struggle to identify cost-saving opportunities, it may be an indication that you need to improve your analytical capabilities to identify areas where you can reduce costs.

Limited ability to analyze financial data: If you struggle to analyze financial data, it may be an indication that you need to enhance your analytical capabilities to make better use of the data available to you.

What it looks like when you are

There are several benefits to enhancing your organization's strategic finance analytical capabilities:

Improved decision making: By analyzing financial data and creating forecasts, you can make more informed decisions about investments, strategy, and risk.

Enhanced financial planning: By understanding your organization's financial performance and forecasting future outcomes, you can create more accurate financial plans and budgets.

Increased efficiency: Financial software and data visualization tools can help you automate financial tasks and quickly identify trends and patterns, improving efficiency.

Greater competitiveness: By understanding your organization's financial performance and identifying opportunities for improvement, you can gain a competitive advantage in your market.

Reduced risk: By conducting scenario planning and analyzing potential future events, you can be more prepared for potential challenges and risks, helping to reduce risk.

Increased transparency: By providing clear, accurate financial reports and analysis, you can increase transparency and build trust with stakeholders.

The road to improvement can be difficult

There are several challenges to enhancing strategic finance analytical capabilities, including:

Lack of data: To conduct effective financial analysis, companies need access to accurate, timely and relevant data. However, many organizations struggle with data management, including collecting, organizing and analyzing large amounts of data from multiple sources.

Siloed systems: In many companies, financial data is stored in different systems and departments, making it difficult to aggregate and analyze the information. This can lead to inconsistencies and errors in financial reporting.

Limited resources: Developing and implementing robust financial analytics capabilities requires investment in technology, skilled personnel and training. However, many companies may not have the necessary resources to make such investments.

Resistance to change: Finance teams may be resistant to change, especially if they are accustomed to traditional financial reporting methods. This can make it challenging to introduce new tools and processes for financial analytics.

Lack of skills and expertise: Effective financial analysis requires specialized skills and expertise in data analysis, financial modeling and forecasting. However, many finance teams may not have the necessary skills and expertise to perform advanced financial analytics.

What you need to do:  the basics

There are several ways you can enhance your organization's strategic finance analytical capabilities:

Invest in financial software: Financial software can help you automate financial tasks, such as budgeting, forecasting, and reporting. This can free up time for more strategic analysis.

Hire or train financial analysts: Consider hiring or training financial analysts who have the skills and expertise to analyze financial data and provide strategic insights.

Use data visualization tools: Data visualization tools can help you make sense of complex financial data and identify trends and patterns.

Conduct financial modeling: Financial modeling involves creating a mathematical representation of your organization's financial performance to forecast future outcomes. This can help you make informed decisions about investments, strategy, and risk.

Use scenario planning: Scenario planning involves creating and analyzing different hypothetical future scenarios to better understand how potential events could impact your organization's financial performance. This can help you be more prepared for potential challenges and opportunities.

Is this relevant for me?

Are you using analytics to model and evaluate new opportunities for revenue and operational improvements? 

Do your management meetings routinely include new insights and new analysis?

Are your leaders continuously using data and analytics to identify and drive operational improvements?

Are your finance teams primarily focused on driving business results instead of transactional work?

Strategic finance & analytics is one of the many topics explored in the DxPathfinder Finance assessment.    

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