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Increase product owner involvement


Top 5 DxPathfinder Agile Assessment recommendations.  Product owners play a pivotal role in agile teams.  

Companies who want to go faster adopt agile.  However, many fail to appoint a great product owner and instead select a “business owner”  and are disappointed with the results.  There is a difference between someone who knows the business and someone who knows how to build a digital product.  Product development knowledge is in addition to business knowledge.

The challenge is the resources with the best profile are usually fully occupied.   

Signs your product owner isn’t sufficiently involved

If the product owner is not sufficiently involved in an agile project, several negative outcomes arise:

Lack of clarity on project goals: The product owner is responsible for defining and communicating the project's goals, features, and requirements. Without their involvement, the development team may not have a clear understanding of what they need to build, leading to delays, errors, and rework.

Scope creep: Without proper product owner involvement, the development team may face scope creep, where additional features or requirements are added to the project without proper evaluation of their impact on the project's timeline and budget.

Poor decision-making: The product owner is responsible for prioritizing the project's features and requirements, which is essential for agile projects. Without their involvement, decision-making may become disorganized, resulting in poor-quality work and wasted resources.

Bad product fit: The product owner provides feedback to the development team on the work done and helps refine requirements as necessary. Without their input, the team may not receive feedback that is critical to the success of the project.

Delayed delivery: In agile projects, timely feedback from the product owner is crucial to ensure the project stays on track. If the product owner is not involved enough, the team may miss deadlines or may not deliver the product at all.

Overall, the product owner's involvement is critical to the success of an agile project. Without their input, the development team may face significant challenges that can affect the project's outcome.

When they are, product development is smoother

Increasing product owner involvement in agile projects can provide several benefits, including:

Improved alignment with the product vision and goals: By involving the product owner in the development process, the team can ensure that the work being done is aligned with the product vision and goals. This can help the team stay focused and make progress towards its objectives.

Better prioritization and decision-making: By involving the product owner in the planning and analysis phases, the team can benefit from the product owner's expertise and perspective, and can make better-informed decisions about the product and its requirements. This can help the team prioritize the work and create a realistic and achievable plan.

Increased accountability and ownership: By involving the product owner in the development process, the product owner can take ownership of the product and be held accountable for its success. This can help ensure that the product meets the customer's needs and expectations.

Improved communication and collaboration: By involving the product owner in the development process, the team can communicate and collaborate more effectively with the product owner, and can share knowledge and expertise. This can lead to improved communication and collaboration within the team, and can help the team achieve its goals and objectives more quickly and easily.

Overall, increasing product owner involvement in agile projects can lead to improved alignment with the product vision and goals, better prioritization and decision-making, increased accountability and ownership, and improved communication and collaboration.

The road to improvement can be difficult

Increasing product owner involvement in an agile project can be challenging, and some common obstacles include:

Time constraints: Product owners may have other responsibilities and may not have enough time to devote to the project. This can result in a lack of timely feedback, prioritization, and requirement clarification.

Lack of expertise: Product owners may not have the necessary technical knowledge to provide guidance on certain aspects of the project, such as coding or testing. This can lead to a communication gap between the development team and the product owner.

Communication breakdown: Communication is key in agile projects, and a lack of clear communication between the product owner and the development team can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and rework.

No flexibility: Product owners may be resistant to changes in the project scope or requirements, which can cause tension and conflicts between the product owner and the development team.

Limited availability: In some cases, the product owner may be based in a different location or time zone, making it difficult to coordinate with the development team.

To overcome these challenges, it is important to establish clear communication channels, define roles and responsibilities, and provide adequate training and support to the product owner. Additionally, regular meetings and updates can help ensure the product owner is up-to-date and involved in the project's progress.

What you need to do:  the basics

Clarify expectations:  Start by clarifying the role of the product owner and the responsibilities they have within the development process. This will help the product owner understand their role and how they can contribute.

Provide training:  Provide the product owner with the necessary training and resources to understand the development process and the tools and techniques used. This will help the product owner feel more confident and prepared to participate.

Start right:  Involve the product owner early in the development process, particularly during the planning and analysis phases. This will help the product owner provide input and direction on the product vision and requirements.

Provide encouragement:  Encourage the product owner to attend meetings and review sessions, and actively participate in discussions and decision making. This will help the product owner stay informed and engaged in the development process.

Review and adjust:  Regularly review and adjust the product owner's involvement to ensure that it is effective and contributing to the success of the project. This will help ensure that the product owner is able to provide valuable input and guidance throughout the development process.

Use a product owner proxy:  if you can’t find someone with the right skills and sufficiently availability, you can appoint a product owner proxy.  The proxy can perform the day to day tactical activities while keeping the product owner Informed and seeking guidance for key decisions.

Overall, the key to increasing product owner involvement is to provide the product owner with the necessary training and support, and to involve them early and regularly in the development process.

Is this relevant for me?

Does your product owner review, test, and approve sprint deliverables in a timely manner?

Are they accessible and available for questions about the requirements?

Do they participate in sprint planning and review meetings?

Product owner involvement  is one of the many topics explored in the DxPathfinder Agile assessment.    

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