Starts Here.

We help owner-led small businesses discover their ideal customer, where to find them, and the story that compels them into action

STOP Scaling What Isn‘t Working

Customers are saturated with generic marketing.
Doing more of what isn’t working is unproductive.


of Startups Fail


Time to 1st Good Customer
Time to Develop Product


of Small Businesses Struggle Generating  Leads

START Attracting Your Ideal Customer

We Guide you on a journey
to Attract your ideal customer

Your roadmap to increased
profitability starts here


Agile techniques to our proven methodology take you on an accelerated journey of discovery.

6 Weeks / Weekly Sprints


Our experience, tools and technology combined with your product and industry knowledge.

Weekly Objectives / Daily Tasks & Touchpoints

Get on the path to accelerated profitability
Get Quick Checkup

Your Ideal Customer

Their needs, pains, desires
The value you deliver
Positioning against alternatives

Your Ideal Story

How they express their need
How you describe your value
The story you tell

Their Ideal journey

Where to find them
How to engage them
How to convert them

What users say

The Ideal Customer service helped us discover and connect with new customer segments we had overlooked.  We look forward to further collaboration.
Finding your ideal customer is step #1 in growing your business but is often overshadowed by product/service development.
Pascal Varomme
I recommend this service to any founder-led business that is struggling to gain customers. It is rigorous and effective.
Serge Beser profile
Serge Beser
Love this - great service and very valuable for small business owners without marketing competency.
Tim Sheridan profile
Tim Sheridan
Very useful for any small business owner. The black magic of marketing is broken down into bite size pieces.
Koen Lenssens
I found it a great service to assess the capabilities and improve your “customer connection” skills.
Korhan Dulge
Ideal Customer is a powerful service providing valuable insights to identify new customers and optimize marketing activities.
Esra Küçükyalçın

Why do small businesses Struggle?

Many startups and small businesses fail to attain their potential
not because their product is bad or there is no market.
They simply fail to connect with their ideal customers.

High Focus On
Product Development

Modern Marketing
Is Complex

Small Marketing Team
With Limited Expertise

Failure to Connect with the right audience

We Eliminate Connection Failure

the fOUNDATION of your marketing strategy

Your ideal customer, story, and channels is the foundation for all other marketing activities.
If your marketing activities are not producing results, focus on the foundation.

We Help You Build Your Marketing Foundation

Symptoms Your foundation is weak

Are you failing to excite your customers?

If you are not exciting them - you are spamming them

Low Campaign Response

Frustrated with the low response to marketing campaigns

Low Conversion Rates

Even people who are “interested” never buy

Low Engagement

Website visitors don’t stay long and never click CTA

no response to calls / emails

The polite way of saying "not interested" is "I'll get back to you later"

Lack Repeat Business
& Referrals

Sign your product isn’t a high fit
for the needs of your customer

Can’t grow beyond
initial customer base

Your initial customers are not
necessarily your ideal customer

Compete based
only on cost

Unable to communicate the
value of your product

Frustration With Marketing #1 Symptom

Who Is This For?

Founders and small business leaders who want to grow their business

Small business leaders focused on product development & operations without a large marketing team who are struggling to grow their business


Do you need to acquire new customers to reach or grow profitability?


Are you lacking a large marketing team of specialists?

tired of trial and error tactics

When nothing you try works?


Early stage startups struggling to get started or grow beyond their initial customer base

Small business

Had limited success with a specific customer segment but desire to expand their business

New Product / Market

Have a new product to launch or want to expand into new markets

What Does It Deliver Me?

Our service delivers both short-term direct benefits and longer-term indirect benefits

Direct benefit

Marketing Effectiveness

More impact / higher response

Marketing Efficiency

Avoid wasting resources on unfruitful targets


Lower cost to acquire & easier to serve

Indirect Benefits

Customer Experience

More personalized and tailored experience


Know needs better than your competitors

Product Development

Cater to their specific needs and preferences

Attract, Serve and Retain More Customers More Efficiently

Our formula for your success

A proven methodology delivered with experience, agility and acceleration

Our roadmap provides structure & guidance
ensuring you reach Connection Success

Our Ingredients for your success


Find companies for which your product’s benefits represent a high value and the individuals in those companies with the highest interest.



Develop & test the way you describe your product, benefits, and problems solved so that it resonates with your target customer and compels their action.



Anticipate your customer’s information
and emotional needs and deliver the right message in the right format at the right time.


A Closer look


Customer profiling and targeting are important for businesses to understand their target audience, tailor marketing strategies to specific customer segments, increase relevance and conversion rates, and ultimately drive customer satisfaction, loyalty, and business growth.

Definition of Ideal customer

Segmentation & Targeting

Customer profiling & personas

Evaluate your ability to target the ideal customer.









Personalizing engagement is important to create tailored experiences that resonate with individuals, foster deeper connections, and enhance customer satisfaction, ultimately driving increased loyalty and revenue.

Customer profiling

Customer journey

Competitive positioning

Evaluate your ability to personalize the customer journey and content.









Finding the best marketing channels is important to optimize reach, engagement, and conversion by effectively targeting and engaging with the right audience in the most impactful and cost-efficient ways.

Customer touchpoints

Relevant story variants

Most relevant channels

Evaluate your ability to use the right channels to reach your ideal customer.








What you Experience Working with us

Technology Enabled

Advanced technology delivers  acceleration

Highly Collaborative

We work together to succeed together

Experience Driven

This is all we do and we are great at it

Agile Delivery

Builds momentum while optimizing flexibility

We Work Together To Succeed Together

Is this for me?

Convinced it is important but not sure you need it?  
Get a quick online checkup and a free consultation.

get a free quick
online checkup

Fast & easy. Reveals strengths, weaknesses and
delivers an improvement guide

get free consultation

We provide an analysis of your results and
discus your unique situation

Are You Our Ideal Customer? Let's See!

What do you want to improve?

Start Your Journey Today

Used by employees at

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the Ideal Customer service take to complete?

We have a standard 6 week program that is fine-tuned based on the results of your Quick Checkup and the initial consultation. The duration also depends on your focus level and ability to produce the required outputs. In general we highly recommend to keep the duration short so you start feeling the benefits sooner.

Should I worry about privacy?

No! Your data and intellectual property is yours - as is ours. At the start of the service a mutual NDA is signed.

How much time and effort is required?

As a general rule you should be prepared to spend 2-3 hours per day for the duration of the service.  Included in this time are daily reviews and homework exercises.  We understand this is a significant time commitment for a business leader.   However, how important is growing your business?

Do I need to have marketing skills?

The service is designed for business leaders with no / low marketing experience. The benefit of the service is not just finding your ideal customer, but teaching you how to search yourself.

What are the prerequisites to start / what do I need before starting ?

The service starts with a solid description and understanding of your product/service features and the related benefits. Don’t worry if this is not rock solid - we will review and improve if needed during the launch.

What happens at the end?   Will you just disappear?  How will I continue?

Our objective is to make you self-sufficient. However we understand your may need some support and offer on-going advisory and coaching services.

Start Improving Today


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